Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Costs Of A Swimming Pool Renovation

When you became a swimming pool owner your pool contractor told you that a quality pool can last for decades. Along with that though there are a few “buts” and they relate mainly to whether your pool is properly and continually maintained and serviced.

On the day when you decide that your pool needs to be renovated, what will be the tipping point that helps you make that decision? Here are some items to consider about a pool renovation:

·         Is the liner faded or ripped
·         Is the gunite cracked
·         Are there chips or has the fiberglass faded
·         Is the deck in need of repair or a renovation?
·         Does the equipment need to be upgraded to more energy efficient models
·         Has your family outgrown your current pool
·         Is the pool not aesthetically pleasing?
·         Do you want to add a diving board or a slide or other water accessories or features such as a spa or rock waterfall

Not all renovations are “must dos” some can be “want to dos” for aesthetic reasons. For many pool owners you will find that a pool renovation project is a combination of must to upgrades and want to do upgrades.

What will a pool renovation project cost?
There is no one size fits all answer because it depends on what you want to do, what you have to do, the size of your pool and the extent of the project. There could be minor changes made that will help you save money in the long run on pool operating costs at the other end of the spectrum if you want a facelift to the pool for aesthetic reasons you will need to open your wallet wider.

What can it potentially cost you to not renovate your pool?
If your pool is structurally unsound, you could be looking at thousands of dollars and perhaps even a complete shell replacement. If your equipment is faulty and/or old it could bring a higher upfront price tag to replace, but running inefficient equipment is costing you more on a monthly basis on your utility bills.

Put together a budget for your project and then work with your pool contractor to determine what you can do with the budget you have set aside and work on those items that the contractor deems most important for the overall pools’ operational health. 

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